Tuesday, February 14, 2012

St. Valentine's Day

While this is Corporate Approved McRomance Day, St. Valentine is also the patron saint of epileptics. I'm an epileptic with no boyfriend. F and I are pretty close, and some weird stuff has gone on there. I wouldn't really call us a "couple." I've never really dated or anything. Most people think I'm too fucking weird for a relationship. Maybe that's right. I'm not going to post a shitload of forever alone comics or anything. I'd like to have somebody someday, but I'm getting adjusted to my new home. The last thing I need is to worry about somebody else. I've never really been good with people, not that I go out of my way to be a fucktruck or anything. I never fit in back in Kentucky, not many friends, never any lovers.
 If you're out there St. Valentine, watch over me. I feel pretty safe and protected here. Maybe I can even meet some buddies. F's always been with me when I feel alienated. At least he knows how to cheer me up. Just having a smoke and some Funyuns, grooving to some tunes. Work was okay. The zombie movie we're got right now is pretty entertaining.
Cheap chocolate day is tomorrow. I'm going to get a box of cashew turtles and let my ass pancake out on the couch to play some Mario.
 Blessed be, Alcyone

 Mood: Contemplative
 Music: "Jane" - Barenaked Ladies

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