Wednesday, April 25, 2012

West Run Road Cemetery

So like many witches before me in the Morgantown area I made my way to the West Run Road Cemetery, but this time with my companions at MAPI. Technically we weren't supposed to be there after dark, when the cemetery closes. Thankfully we were not caught trespassing. I guess it would have been ore likely given the size of our group.
Like any cemetery, spirits abound. It is where people are laid to rest after all. Most of them have spirits at rest, not really looking for any trouble.
Unlike the feeling of calm, there was a paranoid sense about this place. You could hear whispers about you, something I'm accustomed to anyway, but Tim seemed really freaked out by it. I guess if the others could hear it, that's slightly more evidence in my "not crazy" file. Fachtna says that seeing that things are true and insanity aren't mutually exclusive. Maybe you have to be crazy to really know what's true. I'm digressing, though. Peter tried a recorder to get them, but I'm not sure how successful his attempted to capture the whispers was. He may have just got me babbling to Fachtna about funyuns and apologizing to Agnes about my mother's behavior.
There was a spirit following us: Annoyed, not malicious, but a little pissy. Fachtna said it was telling us to make an offering or fuck off. The shadows looked a little weird, but that might have been a normal light effect or me just seeing things as usual.
"Hey, y'all. The spirit wants us to leave something and GTFO. It won't hurt us or anything, but he just wants to be left alone. We shouldn't be rude or anything."
Peter wanted to press for more information, but I didn't think it would be willing to cooperate under those circumstances. Things turn ugly if you make them uncomfortable. I've heard this one called the "stalker" as it followed us closely the whole time.
I took the bottle of Jack out of my backpack. (Don't judge!) I placed it under a tree and said a quick prayer before departing. When I left the bottle and my blessings, it backed off.
The others gave me unusual glances. It's not like calming a spirit is hard,you just have to be willing to listen. Like people, sometimes there's nothing that can really help. It's more common to hear about the angry or inconsolable ones just because they're more vocal, but they're all around us.
There's certainly something there, and uneasy, but not harmful. It gets frustrated with the people coming about and tramping around the grounds, like the other witches in the area. I suppose the closure after dark is a wise decision for the privacy of this spirit.
Blessed be,

Mood: Pensive
Music: "Raise the Dead" - Caravan of Thieves

1 comment:

  1. They have you drinking now?!?
    I never heard the song you list, but it looks like a Satanic rock group! Raising the dead!!!!
