Thursday, May 10, 2012

Typing this from my phone

Things have gone south on this whole camping trip thing. I think I got away, but I have to get the hell out of dodge. Seems a lot of my life is running right now. I can only hope my friends are alright.
We were all hanging out having a good time. I was sharing my beef jerky with the others, thanking Peter for helping out the other day, when I sensed something wrong. Fachtna told me to step away and start heading home. I kept on singing some drinking songs. They laughed at "Home for a Rest" when Fachtna started getting super nervous. He's just being alarmist, I thought, but not wanting to drink and hang out is out of character for him.
I heard the growling, didn't see much. I felt an impact then something like a knife, so I decided to take Fachtna's advice in making a dash. I tried to grab onto someone's hand, there was blood in my face and I couldn't really see whose. Maybe Agnes. Whoever they were, they slipped away from me.
It was a bad idea to mention where I was going. Christine and John, my nutcase parents, snatched me by my flank as I ran.
"We're taking you back! You don't know what's good for you!" John yelled, shoving me into the family car.
By this time Fachtna had enough shit. Christine took a rock to the back of the head, not sure if it was F or whatever came to the campsite. John's face was clawed up pretty bad. Then he went for the neck and chest. So much blood. I can still smell it. I called out for the others to help, but something prevented them. Whatever Fachtna tried to warn me about, it was among them. I'm at my apartment packing. Guys, if you're out there, give me a sign. I don't want to be alone anymore. I'm sick of running away.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spotify playlist

I've found a playlist a reader put together of my music from my posts. Thank you, MorgueDweller.

Scary shit going on in my life...

Oh sweet merciful fuck! Mom found where I work! She tried to grab me when I was at the concession counter.  Adam, as usual, was as useful as a screen door on a submarine when she came at me. Seriously, with a co-worker being attacked, his braindead ass just sat there until the manager came out with the noise. Lots of people in the line for tickets were horrified, and some of them tried to hold her back while Christine just kept screaming out “SHE’S A DEVIL CHILD!!!!! I HAVE TO TAKE HER HOME TO HEAL HER IN THE LIGHT OF THE LORD!”
Fachtna is furious about this! He starts chucking things at her, so now everybody is really freaking the fuck out. People are diving out of the way since everything from Snickers bars to full cups of ice are headed Christine’s way and nobody knows why but me.
The manager comes out of the back office and is all like “What do you think you’re doing to my employee?”
And my nutbag mother just keeps screaming that I’m possessed. “YOU CAN’T KEEP ME AWAY FROM HER! SHE’S MY DAUGHTER AND I’M TAKING HER HOME TO KENTUCKY!!!! SHE NEEDS TO BE EXORCISED!”
I just shake my head, “Don’t let her take me, man. She’s crazy.”
“SHE DOESN’T KNOW HER OWN MIND! SHE’S BEEN BRAINWASHED BY A SATANIC CULT! THEY’RE TAKING HER TO HAUNTED PLACES TO RAISE THE DEAD!” Christine just keeps screaming herself hoarse and flailing while some burly dude who just wanted to watch a movie with his kids is holding her back.
The manager looks over between her and Adam. “Why are you just standing there? Get security!”
It was kind of hilarious seeing Christine dragged away by mall cops ranting about the devil having her daughter and me being brainwashed by Satanists. I’m fucking scared because she found me now, but  she’s probably going to get her crazy ass hauled off to jail if she does shit like that again.
The manager walked me to my car after making sure she was gone. "Be safe, Alcy." He warned me. Fachtna is just trying to calm me down at home now. I'm having a smoke and an orange soda with him listening to some tunes and texting the other MAPI members.
Send some positive vibes my way, friends.
Blessed be,

Mood: Scared
Music: "Underbelly" - Pop Will Eat Itself

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Next big investigation

So soon we are going to the big local haunting. There’s much excitement among the MAPI members as we approach Cheat Lake and the site of the decapitation of the two girls in the 70s. We’re even camping out! I’ve never been camping with friends before! Well, Fachtna and I slept in the back of my car in the middle of the woods once, but I guess sleeping in a car doesn’t count. We could bring some cookies and stuff. This is kind of exciting, I mean we should be respectful of the dead, obviously, but this could be kind of neat, hanging out in the forest like that. We’ll be listening in for stuff, looking out for the spirits, but it’d be overnight just chilling otherwise.
Blessed be,

Mood: Happy
Music: "Tongue Tied" - Grouplove

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

West Run Road Cemetery

So like many witches before me in the Morgantown area I made my way to the West Run Road Cemetery, but this time with my companions at MAPI. Technically we weren't supposed to be there after dark, when the cemetery closes. Thankfully we were not caught trespassing. I guess it would have been ore likely given the size of our group.
Like any cemetery, spirits abound. It is where people are laid to rest after all. Most of them have spirits at rest, not really looking for any trouble.
Unlike the feeling of calm, there was a paranoid sense about this place. You could hear whispers about you, something I'm accustomed to anyway, but Tim seemed really freaked out by it. I guess if the others could hear it, that's slightly more evidence in my "not crazy" file. Fachtna says that seeing that things are true and insanity aren't mutually exclusive. Maybe you have to be crazy to really know what's true. I'm digressing, though. Peter tried a recorder to get them, but I'm not sure how successful his attempted to capture the whispers was. He may have just got me babbling to Fachtna about funyuns and apologizing to Agnes about my mother's behavior.
There was a spirit following us: Annoyed, not malicious, but a little pissy. Fachtna said it was telling us to make an offering or fuck off. The shadows looked a little weird, but that might have been a normal light effect or me just seeing things as usual.
"Hey, y'all. The spirit wants us to leave something and GTFO. It won't hurt us or anything, but he just wants to be left alone. We shouldn't be rude or anything."
Peter wanted to press for more information, but I didn't think it would be willing to cooperate under those circumstances. Things turn ugly if you make them uncomfortable. I've heard this one called the "stalker" as it followed us closely the whole time.
I took the bottle of Jack out of my backpack. (Don't judge!) I placed it under a tree and said a quick prayer before departing. When I left the bottle and my blessings, it backed off.
The others gave me unusual glances. It's not like calming a spirit is hard,you just have to be willing to listen. Like people, sometimes there's nothing that can really help. It's more common to hear about the angry or inconsolable ones just because they're more vocal, but they're all around us.
There's certainly something there, and uneasy, but not harmful. It gets frustrated with the people coming about and tramping around the grounds, like the other witches in the area. I suppose the closure after dark is a wise decision for the privacy of this spirit.
Blessed be,

Mood: Pensive
Music: "Raise the Dead" - Caravan of Thieves

Monday, April 23, 2012

Fachtna and art

They come closer by ~shiningsilverskies on deviantART

Fachtna and I like to hang out around the apartment watching TV and sometimes sharing art. He found this great work on Deviant Art that reminds him of us. I am currently learning some collage, but nothing I feel ready to post. I’ll show you readers some art I enjoy and relate to, though. Look at how happy they are together, and it does remind me a bit of him. I’m lucky that if I have a spirit to follow me, it’s a fun one like him.
We’re watching some Everything is Terrible tonight.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Night in Morgantown

So walking home tonight I saw these two dudes standing outside Munchies, where I like to get snacks a lot of the time. One of them, he’s kinda’ cute, just talking to his buddy about some upcoming test, but I see what’s over his shoulder. Looming over him was a cowboy hat wearing skeleton ablaze, wafting the smoke of his cigarette. I stare at his spectral companion a moment before he takes notice of me.
“Sup?” he addresses me.
“Nothing much, getting some onion rings.” I replied.
His friend eyes me up and down, “Looking for anything to do tonight?”
He didn’t seem to see the secondhand smoking skeleton. “Not unless you feel the fire, man.”
Fireboy nods to me, like he can hear Fachtna behind me snickering at his friend and he’s well aware of the deadman above him.  “Right on, sister!” He raised his hand for a high-five, and how can I refuse a possible kindred spirit? “Maybe I’ll see you around sometime.”
“Maybe. I got things going on tonight. Stay sharp, man.”
The onion rings were pretty good, but Fachtna hates it when guys flirt with me, even if they may also be psychic sensitive, jealous maybe… Or maybe he was just some dude and I was seeing shit again, and Fachtna has his reasons.
Blessed be,

Mood: Recumbent
Music: "Stubborn Love" - The Lumineers